『ドレッサー Dresser, Finished Product, Desk, Stylish, Scandinavian, Storage, Dresser Table with Chair, Stool Included, Wood, Mirror, Finished Product, Oak White (OWH)』はセカイモンで5e6e1c7ef9f35aから出品され、447の入札を集めて04月12日 9時 33分に、10200円で落札されました。即決価格は10200円でした。決済方法はに対応。山口県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Size: Dresser; Product Size (W x D x H): 31.5 x 15.7 x 27.6 inches (80 x 40 x 70 cm); Leg Space Size (W x D x H): 17.7 x 15.4 x 3.5 x 3.6 inches (45 x 39.3 x 9.2 cm); Drawer Inner Dimensions (2 cm); Drawer Dimensions (2 cm); W 2 x 2 x Drawer Dimensions (2 cm); W 2 cm). .6 x D 33 Size (W x D x H): 13.6 x 6.4 x 9.8 inches (34.5 x 25 cm); Stool: Main Unit Size (W x D x H): 14.2 x 12.0 x 15.4 inches (36 x 30.5 x 39 cm); Open Part Size (W 29.5 x D 23 x H 16.7 inches (16.7 cm)\rColor: Oak White (OWH)\rMaterial: Main body: Printed paper decorative fiberboard\rProduct Weight: (Dresser) Approx. 55.1 lbs (25 kg); (Stool) Approx. 14.3 lbs (6.5 kg), (Top Board) Approx. 22.0 lbs (10 kg), (Drawer): Approx. 15.4 lbs (70 kg), Package Size: W 32.5 lbs (82.5 kg), (75.5 kg), Country of Origin: Vietnam/Assembly Method: Finished Product, Comes with 2 kg) : Real item We strive to make our colors as close as possible, but the actual product may differ depending on your monitor or browser environment. Please note that returns and exchanges due to individual differences in measurement. Staff Comments: A finished product is now available on a popular desk dresser with stool. Recommended for those who are difficult to assemble or have no space. Comes in 2 different types of designs that have a simple antique pattern and cute crystal design. You can choose to match your room. With plenty of storage for those who like white interior with a Nordic taste and white
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